Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Psych-o Teacher!

So I am currently taking a social psychology class! I took it this semester even though I didn't have to because I think psychology is super interesting! The human mind is such a deep and interesting place. Well out of the three psychology classes I have taken only one teacher has been normal. My other two teachers are extremely radical and crazy! My professor this semester has been the worst so far.

What could be so bad about him you ask?

Try having every single moral you have ever learned in your life be scrutinized and argued against....that is what is wrong with this guy! We have been learning about free will since we were just little kids and everyone knows that everyone has free will, but every day my psychology professor INSISTS that there is no such thing. "Everything you do is determined by a cause!" Blah blah blah! Of course, but there are usually a couple different causes for different things and you choose which one outweighs the other Mr. Smartypants! I choose everything I do, say, and believe thank you very much!

Also this crazy teacher of mine insisted today in class that nobody does a good deed to actually help someone. People only help others to make themselves feel good which means that every good deed is actually a selfish act...I bet you did not know that one! :p

If you want to argue....don't even think about it! That teacher will through information at you so fast that you wont even remember where you are, let alone what you were arguing about!

This is what college is I guess! A bunch of crazy professors that will attack almost everything yo believe!

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