Saturday, May 23, 2009

My horrible day...

So first of all my Nanny had to go home today! Then I couldn't even take her to the airport because I had to clean. Then I had to mop the floor and it was disgusting! Then I went to hang out with Kylee and Joe which was fun, but I could only go for 30 minutes....after that I went to work which was fine until the reservation. This reservation was crappy I was out on the chair for an hour and twenty minutes because management couldn't rotate us because something was wrong with the cash register. THis reservation was Phsyco!!! THe parents decided to give all the children pool noddles and these were all 8 year old boys who immediately went C-R-A-Z-Y! It was insane and stupid. The people where there for 20 minutes longer then they were supposed to be too! AAHHHHH! And now none of my friends will answer there stupid phones and they are all doing amazing and fun things with out me! AHHHHHHHHH! I am so tired and my laundry isn't done. What an off day.


  1. NIKKI! I'm so so so sorry! :( boys + pool noodles= No Bueno! I didn't answer you cuz we were in a movie, IT WAS SO SO SO SO SCARY! But really good too :) Tomorrow since we don't have work, we'll have to go to the mall and to Panda and then get pedi's! What a plan! lol I love you Nikki, Sorry you got the dumpy res :(

  2. I'm sorry also NIkki Chickie!! We will for sure have to do fun things with you tomorrow to make up for it! But I have lots to tell you so, I'm going to call you!
